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Historic & Restoration /
St. Johns Methodist Church, Arbroath
Modernisation of a listed ‘250 year old’ church
The Methodist Church
Due for Completion 2024
The St Johns Church Arbroath was constructed in 1772, and in 2022 the Church celebrates their 250 year history and the project marks their historic year.
The proposal is for alteration to the church premises to:
- open up the church to the main frontage
- Provide a new improved modern glazed entrance
- Refurbish and reconnect the main hall with the main building (including new kitchen)
- Retain and restore the existing church building for modern day use
The proposal will greatly enhance the existing building and church by providing a new welcoming modern entrance and a completed refurbishment of the existing building. The proposal will improve the facilities of the existing building for both the existing congregation and wider public/community.
The proposal respects the character and identity of the existing building by minimal alterations and a sympathetic new entrance. The new contemporary glass entrance will also provide a more open and visible presence for the church from the street, and the modern addition signifies the improvement works within the building.
The new entrance will also incorporate the Church’s new logo, again a signal of the change within both the building and Church identity. The space would also allow for a ‘welcome hall’ to greet visitors and will also function as main access to café/hall.