The masterplan at Tranent Grove is for 58 houses, split across 3 Phases. 

The site was historically part of the Whitfield Development of the ‘Skarne’ blocks from the 1960s which were demolished in the 1990s, and the site was then the location for St. Matthews Primary School. 

The primary school was demolished in 2019 as part of Dundee City Councils school merger and construction programme, and the site was then allocated for housing as part of Dundee City Council Local Plan 2019 (Site reference H28) and put on the market for development.

The Development is Distinctive and is designed in prominent location in the Whitfield Area of Dundee. The site has a strong sense of identity via the existing greenspace, pathways and nearby public play park and the Modern House designs developed with Discovery Homes (Dundee) use a distinct palette of materials and design features, which unify the development and House types.


The design is Safe and Pleasant and promotes active frontages with principal entrances that overlook the street, and windows that overlook pathways to create natural surveillance. The site incorporates large areas of greenspace and includes a public ‘green corridor’ at the East.

The site is Well Connected creating a safe accessible place for people to ease navigation on foot, bicycle and public transport. The masterplan utilises existing well-defined pathways and new routes that both connect internally with one another and also to the wider path network (public pavements) around the site. There are both vehicular and pedestrian routes connecting across the site North-South and East-West, and the site is well connected to local Public Transport routes.

The site will create Welcoming streetscapes with a range of house types. The main entrances to the site are open and contain key house type frontages to create an inviting pleasant development, and the development will incorporate public art (to be designed) to enhance and define the place.

The new houses have high sustainable credentials including the use of low carbon technology (air source heat pumps), and highly insulated building envelope. All of the houses are manufactured off-site in Factory Conditions that maximises efficient and minimises waste during construction.